Saturday, March 26, 2011

On a lighter note...Beer is a Beautiful Thing.

As I sit here on a brisk, yet beautiful, early Saturday afternoon, munching on some spicy scrambled eggs and beans (my own homemade brunch, unfortunately, minus the bottomless mimosas) I can't help but think back to my happy hour last Tuesday at Pizzeria Paradiso.  I dined with a good friend of mine to catch up on recent events and was waited on by the same servers whom I worked with when I was a bartender in the Birreria of the Georgetown location.  I have such fond memories of delicious beer tastings, too much pizza, and the various flavors of gelato while goofing around, sharing music, and sometimes even bellowing our hearts out to our favorite songs. 

You know how sometimes a whiff of daffodils in the air on a  beautiful spring day or the taste of an ice cream cone that melts faster than you can lick it up can bring you back to the days of your childhood?  While happy houring at Pizzeria Paradiso Patrick, one of the servers, recommended I try the Bear Republic Ryevalry, and oh my good lord - the aromatic nose and complex spicy flavor of this rye-hopped beer was the taste of Paradiso. It encompassed all things good and fun, light-hearted and tasty. All of Paradiso.

So, thank you Bear Republic for making such yummy beer and  thank you Pizzeria Paradiso for having such lovely beers, pizza, and people.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...I wonder if my local liquor super store carry's Bear Republic? Gonna have to make a drive-by today or tomorrow...
